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Email our offices today. Please be sure to note the department you wish to contact and the nature of your inquiry.

If your inquiry is regarding MyHomeCT mortgage assistance, please call:


10 + 13 =

333 Sherman Avenue

New Haven, CT 06511

Phone: (203) 562-0598
Fax: (203) 773-9272

Hours: Mon- Fri 9AM – 5PM

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there income guidelines?

There are no income guidelines to work with one of our realtors. However, if you want to qualify for certain homebuyer programs, your income must fall below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI). Purchasing an NHS home is restricted to those at or below 80% of AMI. Contact May in our office for more information.

What does homeownership have to do with neighborhood revitalization?

When people invest the time and money to purchase a home, they are more likely to take care of it, provided they have the knowledge and means to do so.

How many people in New Haven have trouble paying for housing?

In New Haven, 57% of renters spend more than 30% of their income on housing, while 40% of homeowners do so. Households that spend more than 30% of their income may have little cash left for necessities such as transportation, food, health care, etc.  [Stats provided by Partnership for Strong Communities 2018 Data Housing Profile]

What does a person or family need to earn to afford to rent a two-bedroom apartment in New Haven?

$56,922 annually, according to the Low-Income Housing Coalition’s 2021 report. That means someone earning minimum wage would need two full-time jobs and one part-time job to afford rent. The cost of a monthly mortgage payment is often less than fair market rent, so in some cases, it’s more affordable to own a home.

What are the requirements of the program?

Provide a copy of your driver’s license, four (4) current consecutive paystubs, plus your W-2 and tax returns for the most recent two tax years.

Can I purchase a house anywhere?

Working with HOC Realty, you can purchase a home anywhere in the State of Connecticut.

NHS’ rehabilitated homes are located in New Haven.

Do you have grants for home improvement repairs?

Unfortunately, we do not have any grants available at this time.

How can I get assistance for a down payment or closing costs?

To apply for assistance, you must provide us with a pre-qualification letter, stating you are approved for a conventional loan from an approved lender, plus an executed contract signed by you and the seller. Additional funding for this program should be available soon.

Do I have to live in New Haven to be eligible for the first-time homebuyer program?

No, you can buy a home anywhere in New Haven County.

How can I participate in the program for first-time homebuyers?

Click here to begin your path to home ownership. Then click “SIGN UP NOW” to create an account. Our one-time homebuyer development fee is $75.00 and covers orientation and counseling. You will be prompted to pay the fee when setting up an appointment with a housing specialist of your choice. You can enroll in classes free of charge.