Come Work with Us
Explore opportunities to join our talented and dedicated NHS of New Haven team.CAREERS
Our organization focuses on increasing homeownership; providing pre- and post-purchase homebuyer education and financial education; making homes beautiful, energy-efficient, and affordable; and helping residents take charge of their neighborhoods.

Community Lending Officer
HOC Lending, Inc. is a separately incorporated 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that is affiliated with Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven (NHS) and the New Haven HomeOwnership Center (HOC). The Community Lending Officer will be responsible for originating, processing, and underwriting HOC Lending’s loan applications. A working relationship with local City and State officials, regional lenders, and potential donors is highly desirable. A productive relationship with all senior staff and directors is required.
Email Jim Paley for more info!

In a career with NHS of New Haven, you will work to help residents take charge of their neighborhoods.