Raingarden Workshop Series
How to Install a RaingardenBRINGING IN THE RAIN: A Permaculturist’s Perspective
Residential stormwater management can take many forms, from the bioswale in your treebelt to a downspout spreader that helps the rain from your roof spread across your yard, to rain barrels and rain gardens. This class will focus on rain gardens, and might upend some of your assumptions about them. Join NHS’ Community Sustainability director, Kathy Fay, for some rain gardens basics, and Sven Pihl, permaculturist and urban homesteader, for a unique perspective on the possibilities of rain gardens as a part of an integrated productivity plan for your yard.
Rain gardens are beautiful bowl-shaped gardens planted with native species that provide food for pollinators while capturing rainwater, removing pollutants and channeling the rainwater back into the ground, instead of into a storm sewer.