I Heart My Home CT
Access the resources you need to make wise home improvement decisionsOne-on-one
Home Energy Counseling
I ❤️ My Home CT is a cost-free, one-stop shop to make home improvements for health, comfort, energy savings, and lower utility bills.

Am I Eligible To Participate?
I Heart My Home CT counsels residential renters, owner-occupants, and landlords to make their buildings more energy-efficient and deploy clean energy and sustainability practices at those properties to ensure a transition to an inclusive, equitable energy future.
How Does It Work?

Meet The Team

(Left to Right) IHMH CT’S Head Energy Engineer Mike Uhl, IHMH CT Specialist Carmon Ramos-Perez, Director of Community Sustainability Kathy Fay; Contractor Partnership Manager Geoff Stack.
“Please accept my tremendous appreciation for Carmen as a resource in staying active and engaged in trying to create a safe home for my lungs, fingers and finances. Life is complex and Carmen has helped me stay in the process of trying to get my home and health restored.”
– IHMH CT Customer

Do you want your home to be more comfortable? Do you want more freedom from utility bills? Whether you’re seeking solar panels, insulation, an upgraded air conditioning or heating system, or simply a drier basement, I Heart My Home CT helps make an actionable plan and access the resources to achieve your goals. We stick with you every step of the way.
Meet Mike, Head Energy Counselor
Give your house some love with I Heart My Home CT. Whether you call us your coach, energy counselor, or energy concierge service, we are here for you. We help you understand your home’s energy needs, the resources available to you and the best upgrades to help you meet your goals.
Are you an I Heart My Home CT customer? We’d love to hear about your experience.
Thank you to our Outreach Partners who spearhead
I Heart My Home CT
customer engagement beyond New Haven
Bethel HeatSmart
City of Middletown
West Hartford HeatSmart
Waterbury Home Energy Action
Two unique partner projects help
ensure that no one “falls through the cracks”
Activating Tenants for Energy Justice
Operation Fuel Better Homes and Buildings Program

Affordable and Efficient Energy for All
On Friday, March 22, we joined the Tenant Energy Advocacy (TEA) Project and Nonprofit Accountability Group (NAG), tenants, and supporters of tenants' energy rights in their community conversation with Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) Chairman, Marissa...

A Guide to Switching Electricity Suppliers
For those who want to save on utility bills or access a higher amount of renewable electricity, you always have the freedom to choose other retail suppliers for this "supply" portion of your bill. The EnergizeCT website hosts a Rate Board where you can select other...

Community, Ownership, and the Road to Energy Justice
On September 22, 2022, Kathy Fay, Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) of New Haven’s Director of Community Sustainability, had the honor of presenting to the Yale School of Environment’s “Green Building: Issues and Perspectives” class. The class was hosted by Melissa...