Community Sustainability
Our sustainability efforts focus on environmental justice and energy equity.Community Sustainability
Community Sustainability starts with residents and their homes. Then, community development is fostered through social equity, civic engagement, economic stability, a healthy environment, and infrastructure that supports neighborhood resilience.
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Winter Organic Gardening Classes
Rachel Ziesk, Advanced Certified Master Gardener, returns to Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven to teach her highly anticipated Organic Gardening series.
I Heart My Home CT is a cost-free, one-stop-shop to make home improvements for health, comfort, energy savings, and lower utility bills.
Resident-Driven Initiatives
We support resident-driven environmental justice initiatives, such as: the West River Watershed Coalition, the Mill River Urban Waters Initiative, and the New Haven Energy Task Force.
We have taught hundreds of people how to maintain their home and save on energy costs. We also support community gardeners through our series of Winter Organic Gardening Classes.
Cleaner Waterways
With the help of our Community Building & Organizing team, we’ve installed over 30 storm water management systems, diverting water from the overtaxed municipal system and preventing pollution from entering our rivers and the Long Island Sound.
Call For Engagement
Environmental injustices, such as poor air quality, have the ability to negatively impact your home and community. At NHS, we’re dedicated to making an effort to foster environmental stewardship, so all our neighbors can be healthy and thrive. Join us in making an impact when it comes to fighting for energy equity and environmental justice! Click the button below to get involved with The Tenant Energy Advocacy (TEA) Project; together, we can make a difference.
Our Energy Equity and Environmental Justice Policy Education work includes formal service roles and elevating equity issues to energy and environmental policy groups, including Kathy Fay’s service on the CT Energy Efficiency Board as the appointed representative of low-income customers, chair of the evaluation committee, and active member of the residential committee.
The West River Watershed Coalition & New Haven Energy Task Force meet monthly at NHS’ Home Improvement and Energy Conservation Lab. We’re building more coalitions for sustainable living. If you’re looking for a space to host your hybrid meetings for resident-driven initiatives, reach out to us about the use of our Lab!

A rain garden diverts water than runs off your roof away from the municipal storm water system and into a garden filled with water-tolerant plants. This prevents runoff from flowing into the sewer system, polluting our rivers and oceans. Rain gardens also allow rain and snowmelt to seep into the ground, where it is naturally filtered before returning to the groundwater table.
Why does groundwater matter?
In times of drought, plants (trees, flowers, agricultural crops, garden vegetables) need an extra source of water. A full groundwater table can support plants during a drought. A depleted groundwater table leads to saltwater contamination, resulting in less food for people and wildlife.
(some restrictions apply)